3.   Baby you’re a rich fat, baby you’re a rich fat, baby you’re a rich fat Jew!

—The Beatles, Baby You’re a Rich Man

Stately, plump Jesús Christos came from the elevator, bearing a bowl of oranges upon which an iPad and a Wall Street Journal lay crossed. The billionaire scion of a Mexican pre-mixed concrete family crossed to the rampart on top of Christos Tower and surveyed his kingdom, laid out beneath him, through the haze of early smog. He cleared his throat and spat over the side; the sputum fell a few feet and then a gust caught it and threw it back in his face. Angered, he shifted the bowl into his left hand, wiped the spit off his face, and tried futilely to throw it back over the side of the hundred-story building. Continue reading “3.   Baby you’re a rich fat, baby you’re a rich fat, baby you’re a rich fat Jew!”